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Strengthening the AI Startup Ecosystem in Skåne-Blekinge

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Strengthening the AI Startup Ecosystem in Skåne-Blekinge aims to develop and enhance the ecosystem for AI companies, with a specific focus on AI startups, in Skåne and Blekinge. The goal is to create an environment where AI companies to establish, grow and thrive, thereby strengthening the region’s innovation capacity, competitiveness, and sustainable growth.

In Skåne and Blekinge, world-leading companies and prominent universities coexist with robust innovation districts and startups, creating favorable conditions for an ecosystem specifically focused on startups with AI at the core of their business.

However, the region risks falling behind and losing important talent and companies to other regions where support structures are stronger. AI startups need support to scale up their operations, improve their business models, and reach new markets.

In the project Strengthening the AI Startup Ecosystem in Skåne-Blekinge, we work together with the incubators Minc, Hetch, and Ideon to test, evaluate, and iterate on methods and activities needed to create an environment where AI companies can grow and thrive in southern Sweden.


To build an effective support ecosystem, the project will first map other regional AI ecosystems and investigate how Skåne-Blekinge can learn from and act as a complement to these. The mapping work forms the foundation for how the project’s activities and support initiatives will be designed.


A central part of the project is creating a dynamic network of AI startups that can learn from each other and contribute to the region’s development. Through seminars and knowledge-sharing activities, we create a platform for companies to learn from each other and address common challenges. Special focus is placed on integrating aspects of sustainability, ethics, and transparency in AI development.

The project also offers tailored growth support to participating AI startups to accelerate their development. Through ongoing growth advisory and targeted consulting initiatives, we help startups navigate through critical development phases. A continuous evaluation process ensures that all aspects of a company’s growth journey are considered – from business development and technology to organization and financing.


To build a long-term sustainable ecosystem, the project will implement competence-enhancing initiatives for people within the regional support system, enabling them to meet the specific needs of AI companies. Through training and networking activities, we strengthen support actors’ ability to guide companies in the ongoing AI transformation, with particular focus on regulatory compliance and the EU AI Act.


Name: Strengthening the AI Startup Ecosystem in Skåne-Blekinge

Goal: Develop and enhance the ecosystem for AI companies, with a particular focus on startups, in Skåne and Blekinge

Time period: October 2024 – March 2026

Partners: Innovation Skåne/AI Sweden, Minc, Hetch, Ideon

Funder: Tillväxtverket/Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden (ERUF)


Kalle Magnusson

Innovation Manager, AI
+46 708 296 319