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Innovation for Skåne and the world
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About us

Skåne and the world face major societal challenges in several areas. Tackling them requires new solutions and innovation. Innovation Skåne, Skåne’s innovation company, works to address these challenges by using the Skåne’s innovative power to make a positive impact on the world.

Along with private and public partners, Innovation Skåne guides and develops opportunities for innovation and growth that benefit both Skåne and the rest of the world. We focus on areas where Skåne has particular strengths and abilities to meet global needs.

By promoting innovation in Skåne, we not only contribute to the region’s development, but also create local innovations that can be shared with the rest of the world. Furthermore, as global and regional challenges often have similar needs, by supporting local innovations as they grow and expand globally, we can also benefit from these innovations at home, in Skåne.

Innovative power from Skåne creates sustainable change in the world

Innovation Skåne’s vision

We make it happen

An idea is not considered an innovation until it is put into practice and creates value. Therefore, we always make sure that our efforts are being implemented and that they are delivering tangible benefits. Innovation Skåne turns ideas into action – and makes them a reality.

Our work is based on four core competencies that make us stand out in the innovation system.

Innovation management: Our approach to leading innovation and developing the welfare services of the future.

Growth and business knowledge: Our team has extensive experience in both the public and private sector and is well-versed in the challenges and opportunities presented by factors such as regulations, organizational culture, and the market.

Test beds: We create test beds within the innovation areas we work in to test and adapt new solutions and methods based on – among others – technical, clinical, legal or organizational parameters.

Networking: We build and establish networks of all relevant stakeholders in a specific area, including startups, established businesses, public actors, academia, investors, and Skåne’s residents. Our extensive networks provide us with numerous opportunities for collaboration in larger projects and access to market intelligence research, allowing us to utilize what has already been developed and proven to be effective.

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Three innovation areas

We focus our work on three innovation areas: health, mobility and AI. We have previously worked in other areas, and may in the future work in completely new areas. We continuously analyze the possibilities for how we can contribute and make use of our competence. We do this based on five criteria. In order for us to address certain challenges in a specific innovation area, all five criteria must be met.

  • Regional societal needs: There must be a pressing and unmet need in the public sector in Skåne that can be solved through innovation.
  • Global demand: There must be an urgent and unresolved global need or demand for the companies or solutions developed in Skåne to have the opportunity to grow internationally.
  • Regional expertise: There must be sufficient regional expertise in the innovation area to work with other stakeholders to advance the development of the innovation area.
  • Entrepreneurial drive: There must be individuals and organizations working to develop new solutions that meet needs and develop successful businesses.
  • Timing: The market must have a need or demand within the next five years that has not yet been fulfilled, and the innovation must have the chance to compete on a global scale.

In other words: We take on challenges where current solutions, products, or systems have not yet been successful in addressing the need.

We use the same five criteria to decide which projects we should run or be involved in.

To make sure that we are tackling the right challenges, we regularly monitor global developments. This helps us stay at the forefront of our innovation areas and use what has already been developed and proven to work. We stay up to date on trends and developments in the health, mobility and AI industries, including international pioneers, adopted solutions, and technological trends.

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Cooperation across borders 

At Innovation Skåne, we never work alone. We always partner with key stakeholders in the public and private sectors, as well as other actors in both the innovation system and in academia.

Our unique position is at the intersection of the public and private sectors, where we have extensive experience in both types of organizations. We understand the challenges and opportunities on both sides and believe that the best and most sustainable results are achieved when we work together. A collaborative effort benefits both Skåne’s residents and allows Skåne’s innovative power to have a global impact. Innovation Skåne’s position in this intersection gives us a level of action that is unusual for public organizations.

Collaborating with other actors also ensures the sustainability of our work. We need partners who can manage and continue to develop the innovations we co-create. Once we have achieved our goals in a project or innovation area, we exit and move on to new challenges.

Region Skåne’s innovation company

Innovation Skåne is a wholly owned subsidiary of Region Skåne, and receives core funding from our owner that enables the company to operate. However, this core funding also allows us to attract external innovation funding from public actors in Sweden and the EU. Every year, the core funding is more than doubled by the inflow of external innovation funding to Skåne, through Innovation Skåne. The ability to attract external funding is crucial for us to achieve our goals.

In addition to attracting innovation funding, we also gain valuable knowledge that benefits both us, as well as Skåne. Our ongoing market intelligence and interactions with actors around the world keep us up to date on the latest technologies, products and services, and working methods and systems. We are well positioned to attract relevant companies and their solutions to Skåne and share knowledge with public and private companies in the region. Like the ability to attract innovation funding, our continuous monitoring of global developments and acquisition of knowledge that can benefit Skåne are essential for us in order to achieve our goals.

Our core values

Not only is it important for us to achieve our goals, but the process of how is also important to us. That’s why our core values are so important – they describe, challenge, and inspire us. These values permeate our entire organization and guide our work. Everything we do is characterized by pioneering, partnerships, and professionalism. We are…

  • Pioneers: We tackle challenges where no solutions yet exist. We are curious, brave and enjoy venturing into the unknown. We are pioneers who love innovation.
  • Professionals: We guide and develop innovation from Skåne with leading knowledge and expertise. We are humble and respect our mission.
  • Partners: We collaborate with startups and established businesses, the public sector, and civil society to create cross-border solutions that address societal challenges. We are responsive and trust our partners and each other.

Innovation in Skåne 

The region of Skåne has a long history of fostering innovation, with companies such as Zoégas, TetraPak, ProViva, Absolut Vodka, and Gambro, which developed the artificial kidney, medical ultrasound, and Bluetooth technology, all having their origins in Skåne. In recent years, the region has also nurtured innovative startups like Massive Entertainment, Oatly, Hövding, and Joint Academy. Skåne is home to globally leading technology companies, innovative startups, world-leading research, and a supportive innovation system.

Innovation Skåne was founded in 2015 to continue this tradition and promote innovation in the region. Despite its reputation as a hub for innovation, Skåne still faces significant societal challenges and low job growth, which Innovation Skåne aims to address. In 2021, the European Commission ranked Skåne as the ninth most innovative region in the EU, following closely behind regions like Berlin and Copenhagen.