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Region Skåne’s innovation company
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About us

Innovation Skåne has a unique mission to address the challenges faced by Region Skåne through the power of innovation. In partnership with Region Skåne, we contribute to creating a better future for the region.

As a hub for innovation management, Innovation Skåne acts as a catalyst for innovation and development within Region Skåne. We are experts in leading, developing, and driving innovation. We support and enhance innovation processes, foster strong collaborations, and create value for Region Skåne with the goal of addressing challenges and seizing opportunities in an effective and sustainable manner. Serving as a central point for innovation, education, and development, Innovation Skåne guides innovation processes using state-of-the-art methods and tools to ensure that solutions are implemented and utilized to enhance accessibility, quality, efficiency, and sustainability across Region Skåne.


Innovation Skåne’s vision

Innovation makes it possible

We define innovation as something new or improved – be it a system, method, process, service, or product – that is implemented and put to use to increase accessibility, quality, efficiency, and sustainability in Region Skåne.

Our purpose with innovation is to drive transformation and create value that enhances quality of life, solves challenges, stimulates economic growth, boosts competitiveness, improves efficiency, ensures long-term skill development, supports sustainable development, and adapts to new circumstances and security measures. In summary, innovation is our tool for creating positive change and improvement in Region Skåne, with the goal of addressing challenges and opportunities in an effective and sustainable way.

Three innovation areas

We operate within Region Skåne, specifically focusing on areas such as health, healthcare, mobility, public transportation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our work is rooted in the innovation and development needs identified within Region Skåne’s various sectors.

We focus our efforts within three key innovation areas:

  • Health: We work to create better lives and health for more people in collaboration with Region Skåne’s operations to enhance the accessibility, quality, efficiency, and sustainability of healthcare services.
  • Mobility: We aim to develop an attractive, accessible, sustainable, and reliable transport system in collaboration with Region Skåne’s operations, to create a transport-efficient society, improve user experience, and reduce environmental impact.
  • AI: We work to increase knowledge, create synergies, and accelerate the use of AI together with Region Skåne, aiming to stimulate the adoption of intelligent solutions across multiple sectors, including health and mobility, to automate processes, enhance security, and increase efficiency.

Cooperation across borders 

At Innovation Skåne, we never work alone. In everything we do, we collaborate with Region Skåne and partners in both the public and private sectors, both nationally and internationally, to drive positive change and improvement in Region Skåne, within our prioritized innovation areas. These partnerships are crucial for us to carry out our work effectively.

Our unique position at the intersection of the public and private sectors gives us a level of agility that is rare for public organizations. We have an extensive network of partners at national and international levels and understand the challenges and opportunities on both sectors. All experience shows that both sectors need each other, and it is through collaboration that we achieve the best and most sustainable results that benefit Region Skåne.

Innovation in Region Skåne 

Innovation Skåne is a wholly owned subsidiary of Region Skåne. The organization receives core funding from its owner, Region Skåne, which enables the company to operate. This core funding also enables Innovation Skåne to attract external innovation capital from our clients and from national and international funding sources. The ability to secure external funding is critical to achieving our goals.

In addition to attracting innovation capital, we also acquire significant knowledge capital for both ourselves and Region Skåne. Our ongoing monitoring and interaction with the world around us ensure that we stay updated on the latest technologies, systems, methods, processes, services, and products. We are well-positioned to attract and share the knowledge we acquire with public and private entities in the region. Continuously looking outward and bringing knowledge back to Region Skåne is, like attracting innovation capital, essential to reaching our goals.