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Our offers

For the public sector in Skåne

We help you solve your challenges

We work with Skåne’s public sector in the areas of health, mobility and AI to improve services for residents of Skåne, create better tools and work processes for employees and organizations, and increase the ability to innovate and drive change within the organization. We have a long history of contributing to the creation and implementation of innovations – new and improved solutions for residents, employees, and society as a whole – in collaboration with Region Skåne, municipalities in Skåne, private companies, and academia. Our experience has shown that the best results are achieved when all parties are involved.

We offer:

✓ Support for development and innovation initiatives
Safe collaborations with relevant external partners
Market intelligence, incl. international forerunners, adopted solutions and technological trends
Assistance in acquiring financing for development and innovation initiatives
Tools to promote development and innovation
Support regarding procurement issues

How it works

As a subsidiary of Region Skåne, Innovation Skåne has a unique mission in improving the quality of life for people in Skåne and beyond – through the use of innovation. We have a history of developing and implementing new solutions to benefit residents, employees, and society in collaboration with Region Skåne, municipalities in Skåne, private companies, and academia. Our goal is to use innovation to address challenges and make a positive impact on the world.

Our expertise lies in the fields of health, mobility and AI, as well as an extensive experience in innovation and collaboration with public and private sector partners, academia, and other members of the innovation ecosystem.

We are innovation managers. Our main focus is using innovation to help the public sector overcome challenges. We are experienced in leading change and working with other organizations to achieve solutions. We believe that external collaboration and knowledge sharing is essential for success, and we strive to foster these relationships in all of our work.

In our work, we rely on our four core competences:

  • Innovation management: Our tool for leading innovation and development of welfare services of the future
  • Growth and business knowledge: Our team has extensive experience in both the public and private sector and is well-versed in the challenges and opportunities presented by factors such as regulations, organizational culture, and the market.
  • Test beds: We create test beds within the innovation areas we work in to test and adapt new solutions and methods based on – among others – technical, clinical, legal or organizational parameters.
  • Networking: We build and establish networks of all relevant stakeholders in a specific area, including startups, established businesses, public actors, academia, investors, and Skåne’s residents. Our extensive networks provide us with numerous opportunities for collaboration in larger projects and access to market intelligence research, allowing us to utilize what has already been developed and proven to be effective.

Read more about us and how we work here.

Read more

Contact us and we’ll help you

If you’re looking for support and guidance in using innovation to address challenges in the public sector, we can help. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the areas of health, food, and mobility, and we have a strong track record of working with other organizations to identify needs and develop solutions. Simply fill out the form and we’ll be in touch to discuss how we can work together.

You don’t have to have all the answers – let’s define the problems and potential solutions together.

    Bevisa att du är människa genom att välja bil.


    Susanne Hertzberg

    Innovation Manager, Administration
    +46 734 247 417

    Apply for a formal rights letter

    If you wish to pursue your idea independently, you will need a letter granting you the right to the idea. Contact us via the form below and we will assist you in applying for such a letter. All approved applications are signed by the regional director.

      Bevisa att du är människa genom att välja lastbil.


      Eva-Marie Johansson

      Innovation Manager, Administration
      + 46 766 106 186
      For startups and businesses

      Join our industry networks

      We specialize in supporting startups that have international aspirations and a strong desire to succeed in the areas of health, mobility and AI. We focus on startups in Skåne, but we also collaborate with businesses from Skåne and other parts of Sweden and the world.

      Our goal is to use innovative solutions to improve quality of life in Skåne and beyond, and to work with established businesses, the public sector, investors, academia, and other members of the innovation system to achieve sustainable progress. We believe that everyone benefits when we work together, and that is why we prioritize collaboration in all of our efforts.

      We offer startups operating in the areas of healthtech, mobility, AI and foodtech to join our industry networks, free of charge, in order to gain access to:

      ✓ Industry-specific business advice
      ✓ Business opportunities, incl. opportunities to meet potential customers
      ✓ Access to a large network, with physical and digital gatherings
      ✓ Industry-specific training, workshops and tools
      ✓ International visibility, e.g. at trade fairs and in marketing
      ✓ Support in acquiring financing
      ✓ Test beds to test products in their right context and environment
      ✓ Market intelligence, incl. international forerunners, adopted solutions and technological trends

      Are you an established business operating in the fields of healthtech, mobility, AI and foodtech, and looking to connect with innovative startups, expand your network, and stay up-to-date on industry developments? Join one of our industry networks for free and take advantage of the opportunity to share knowledge, establish collaborations, and access market intelligence.

      Choose your industry network


      Join the network

      The network is run by project HealthTech Nordic.


      Join the network

      The network for sustainable and coherent mobility in Greater Copenhagen.


      Join the network

      The network is run by project Foodtech Innovation Network.

      You can also reach out to one of us directly:

      Aldo Vermiglio

      Innovation Manager, Healthtech
      +46 723 010 863

      Anneli Xie

      Innovation Manager, AI and Communication
      +46 734 157 585