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South Node – AI Sweden

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Since the fall of 2022, Innovation Skåne has been the host organization for the South Node of AI Sweden. Together with AI Sweden, we accelerate the application of artificial intelligence at both a regional and national level – to promote growth and innovation in Skåne as well as Sweden.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to computer programs and systems designed to simulate and mimic human intelligence. An AI can process large amounts of data and learn from past experiences. For example, an AI can understand speech and text, solve problems, or plan a sequence of actions. Examples of AI applications include voice control, business intelligence, facial recognition, and autonomous cars.

AI Sweden is Sweden’s national center for applied artificial intelligence, established in 2019 with support from the Swedish government, Vinnova, and the public and private sectors. As a neutral and non-profit actor, AI Sweden brings together over 100 partners from the business sector, academia, and the public sector, with the South Node being responsible for 16 partners in the south of Sweden. Together, we invest in generating tools and resources to accelerate the use of AI for the benefit of our society, our competitiveness, and everyone living in Sweden.


In collaboration with partners, AI Sweden manages projects of national interest in areas such as information-driven healthcare, language models for the Swedish language, and decentralized AI. Together, we generate solutions, best practices, models, research findings, and tools that can be used by many. Simultaneously, we pave the way for scientific, technological, and societal advancements by providing expertise, AI talent programs, and infrastructure for data storage and algorithm training.

By collectively investing in knowledge and resources that can be shared and accessed by many, and by enhancing Sweden’s attractiveness to talents, we can achieve significant impact for both individual organizations and the AI ecosystem as a whole.

Read more about AI Sweden here.


Name: South Node, AI Sweden

Objective: Together with AI Sweden accelerate the application of artificial intelligence at both regional and national levels – to promote growth and innovation in Skåne as well as Sweden

Project period: October 2022 – December 2024

Project partners: Region Skåne, Lunds kommun, Helsingborgs Stad, Lomma kommun, Kristianstads kommun, Öresundskraft, CarbonZero AB, CGI, Neodev, Sentian, Sensative, Sib Solution, Gimic, Oxide AI, Stakater, Lightbringer, Lunds Universitet, Malmö Universitet, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Linnéuniversitetet, and Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet.

Funder: Vinnova


Carl Malm

Innovation Manager, AI
+46 734 163 895