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In the Siish project, we are working to shorten the time for implementation of innovative solutions in Swedish healthcare. We are doing this by further developing and harmonising working methods and processes for innovation management across Sweden, based on best practice from seven regional innovation ecosystems.

In the regional ecosystems for innovation and research in life science, university hospitals, regional innovation support activities, incubators, innovation offices and higher education institutions are important components. Whether innovative ideas originate from healthcare needs, patient needs, academic researchers or entrepreneurs, the interaction between these actors is crucial.  In several parts of the Sweden, long-term efforts have been implemented to strengthen the regional conditions and environment for successful innovation work. This has yielded good results – but there are still challenges and large differences between different parts of the country.

The ambition herein is to promote and disseminate the identified success factors, harmonize the way innovation work is carried out in the country, and work to overcome the most critical barriers. We will do this by:

  • Streamlining the development of innovations from needs and early ideas to implementation
  • Deepening understanding as well as identifying and further developing successful ways to disseminate and implement innovations widely, across Sweden
  • Concretizing, developing, and disseminating common best practice methods for measuring the impact of innovation.
  • Such work will hasten the implementation of health innovations throughout the country, thereby further strengthening Sweden’s standing as a global leader in the field.


Name: Siish Faster Implementation of Innovation in Swedish Healthcare

Time period: December 2022 until December 2025

Overall project goal: Significantly shortened time for innovative solutions to be implemented in healthcare

Funder: Vinnova

Coordinating project partner: Västra Götaland Region

Project partners: Innovation Skåne, Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB, Linköpings universitet, Lunds universitet, Region Stockholm, Region Uppsala, Region Västerbotten, Region Örebro län, Region Östergötland, Sahlgrenska Science Park AB, Umeå universitet Holding AB och Örebro Universitet Enterprise AB.



Fred Kjellson

Innovation Manager, Health
+46 766 486 076